HYDRO-BIOS has its seeds in the small enterprise, “Walter Schweder Precision Engineering”, founded in 1927. In these early days the company focused on the production of small limnological samplers for water, bottom and plankton sampling. In 1960 the legal form was changed and the company received its new name: HYDRO-BIOS Apparatebau GmbH. In 1963 Hans Fischer joined the company, initially as factory manager – the success story begins with the relocation of HYDRO-BIOS to a new building at its new (and current) address in Kiel-Altenholz.
The following years are characterised by increasing activities for the development, manufacturing and world-wide distribution of an increasing portfolio of mechanical samplers for limnology and oceanography. The company expands with an additional building located at a neighbouring plot.
Since 1980 HYDRO-BIOS is a completely family-owned company.
The eighties are characterised by the installation of our own electronics department with expanding use of computers for circuit and board design, resulting in increasing application of electronics inside our instruments. The nineties are defined by the implementation of computer aided design (CAD) for our engineering department and the introduction of microprocessor technology at our electronics department – an electronic mile stone. Since 2005 the mechanical design of our products is based on full three-dimensional computer aided design (3D CAD) with extended use of the digital models for computer aided manufacturing (CAM). The addition of the second floor to our company building in 2012 meets the challenges of continuously growing business. It doubles the space of our electronics department and nearly triples our plankton net sewing workshop. The simultaneous installation of a photovoltaic rooftop power station, together with our well established block heat and power plant, meets the concerns of environmental protection and cares for our improved green carbon footprint.